Happy June, Grade 2s! We are so looking forward to doing a ton of fun stuff with you for the last few weeks of school! Only 4 weeks left! ❤️Remember, your teachers are here for you if you need anything at all!
Google Meet Schedule:
Ms Meier's Class Code: meiermeeting2
Whole Class Google Meet: Wednesdays 10-11AM
Office Hours: Tuesdays 12-1 PM & Thursdays 10-11 AM
Ms McBride's Class Code: msmcbridesgrade2class
Whole Class Google Meet: Wednesdays 10:30-11:30AM
Office Hours: Mondays 1-2 PM & Thursdays 10-11 AM
We hope to see all your beautiful faces there!
Secret Word: invertebrate
Next week's Online Learning Schedule:
Online Learning
Week 9 June 1st– June 8th
Here are your tasks for our ninth week of online learning. You can do them in any order that you would like. The approximate time to complete your assignments are listed to help you plan your week. Further instructions for students are in our Google Classroom. If you need any further clarification with these tasks please do not hesitate to email me.
Language Arts / Inquiry / Well Being
Time- 3.5 hours
Journal Entry – Online Learning Reflection
· Compare learning at school to learning at home
· Think about what it has been like to learn at home online and think back to what it was like to be at school
· Write a reflection comparing what is the same about the two types of learning and what has been different
This assignment must be turned in to your teacher.
(1 hour)
Independent Reading Video
· Pick a book from Raz Kids, an online book or a book you have at home and record yourself reading it aloud.
· Upload your video for your teacher
This assignment must be turned into your teacher.
(1 hour)
Reading Response – “Maisey’s Wonderful Weather Book”
· Think about the different types of weather and try to think about activities that would be fun on each type of day.
(30 mins)
Word Work: Venn Diagram
· Watch and listen again to the Non-fiction text “Friends Around the World”.
· Pick one character in the book to compare your life to and complete the Venn diagram attached.
This assignment must be turned into your teacher.
(30 mins)
Bug Art
· Use bits and pieces from around your house to create your own, unique bug sculptures
(30 mins)
Time 1.5 hours
Weather Report
· Create a video weather report for any day this week.
This assignment must be turned in to your teacher.
(30 mins)
Solve your friend’s math problems!
· Complete one of the addition or subtraction story problems from your classmates
(30 mins)
· Explore Prodigy: Explore Prodigy to build number sense.
(30 mins)
Music and Physical Education
· Check the Saddle Ridge School Music blog and complete activities
Physical Education
· Check the Saddle Ridge School PE blog and complete activities