Friday, February 28, 2020

Happy March!

IMPORTANT NEWS: Our Celebration of Learning will be on FRIDAY, MARCH 13TH at 11:00AM! 
We would LOVE for you to stop by our class and see everything we've learned as Water Conservationists!

In LITERACY we continued to explore the elements of story through water stories! By using planning templates, we mapped out story elements for original stories based on water problems that we learned about during our time as Water Conservationists. We then began our rough copies and can't wait to continue to develop and edit our stories next week. We also can't wait to share them with you at our Celebration of Learning!  

Our sight words next week are:


In MATH we continued to develop our skills in subtraction with regrouping! We built more equations and story problems
 using base ten blocks. We remembered that we can't take the bottom number away without "regrouping" from the tens place! We are beginning to develop our ability to perform this skill using only the equation.


In SCIENCE we continued to work on our google slides for our Celebration of Learning! We are organizing our information into slides, along with pictures and videos, so that we can tach you all how to become Water Conservationists! We can't wait to share with you on Friday, March 13th at from 11-12:00!

In SOCIAL STUDIES we continued our exploration of The Blackfoot First Nation by exploring the legacy of residential schools on Canada's First Nation communities. We began by discussing how the European Settlers were very unkind to the First Nation's communities when they first came to Canada. The settlers believed that everyone should look, act, and talk just like them! We connected to this by sharing a time when someone made us feel like it was not ok to be ourselves, even though we know that everyone has the right to be who they are! We explained how the settlers opened residential schools to try to change the First Nations children. The children were taken from their families and told not to wear their special clothes or speak their own language ever again! Many of us speak a language other than English, so we were able to share how we would feel if we were forced to speak only English for the rest of our lives 😢 

We then read Shi-Shi-etko, by Nicola I. Campbell about a little girl saying goodbye to her Indigenous ways of knowing before moving to a residential school. We brainstormed things that we would want to hold on to if we were to be sent to a school like that, and created our own memory bags to keep those things forever. 


Thanks for another amazing week :)
-Ms. Meier and Ms. McBride

Friday, February 21, 2020


IMPORTANT NEWS: Our Celebration of Learning will be on FRIDAY, MARCH 13TH at 11:00AM! 
We would LOVE for you to stop by our class and see everything we've learned as Water Conservationists!

Ask your child why it is important to wear a pink shirt!


Students at Saddle Ridge School are taking part in Jump Rope for Heart in the next couple of weeks! Ask us about the assembly we had on Tuesday! Students will participate in skipping activities in the gym, while also learning about keeping their heart healthy. Students have been given an envelope if they would like to collect donations, as well as online donations are accepted ( - JOIN YOUR SCHOOL- type in SADDLE RIDGE SCHOOL). Students who collect donations can earn prizes, as well as helping the physical education department at the school. All forms and money are due back on March 13.

In LITERACY we continued to explore the elements of story through drama! Each reading group was given a reader's theatre to practice and rehearse! We each got to be a character in the story and created props and masks to enhance our presentations! We have been practicing on reading with expression and did an amazing job performing our plays in front of the whole class :)

Our sight words next week are:


In MATH we continued to develop our subtraction strategies and ability to check our own work by using the opposite operation. We continued to use task cards to work in our group to solve subtraction equations, and check our answers using the corresponding addition equation. We continued to practice subtraction with regrouping by exploring the following equations:

First we built the top number using base ten blocks, then we tried to take the bottom number away, and remembered that we couldn't without "regrouping" from the tens place! 
We also learned a fun new math game called "Race to Zero!" We started at 100 and then used a dice to roll the next number in the equation! We got to teach it to our grade three buddies!  

In SCIENCE we continued to annotate our research from our inquiry as Water Conservationists. We started making google slides!! 


Thanks for an awesome week :)
-Ms. Meier and Ms. McBride

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 12 - Happy Family Day

Please note that there is no school on Thursday, February 13th and Friday, February 14th due to Teachers' Convention, as well as Monday, February 17th due to the holiday. Enjoy your time with your family!

In LITERACY we developed our own Student Learning Plans, by identifying how we learn best, our main goal (in literacy, math, or wellbeing), and how we plan to achieve our goal. We then typed our learning plans into our Iris accounts! Be sure to ask us to log in at home so we can show you (there is a link to iris on the right sidebar of this blog)!

Our sight words next week are:

In MATH we continued to develop our subtraction strategies and ability to check our own work by using the opposite operation. We used task cards to work in our group to solve subtraction equations, and check our answers using the corresponding addition equation. We were then introduced to subtraction with regrouping by exploring the following equation:

First we built the minuend (top number) using base ten blocks, then we tried to take the subtrahend (bottom number away), and learned that we couldn't without "borrowing" from the tens place! We built a few other equations like this, and we can't wait to explore subtraction with regrouping more next week!


In SCIENCE we learned how annotate by looking back on everything we've learned during our inquiry as Water Conservationists, and recording the important information! We are so excited to be organizing our data, so that next week we can make google slides! Stay tuned in the coming weeks for a special announcement and invitation to our Celebration of Learning, so that you can stop by our class and see everything we've learned as Water Conservationists!

In SOCIAL STUDIES we continued our exploration of The Blackfoot First Nation by exploring the rich tradition of Indigenous storytelling. We practiced our own oral storytelling skills by working with our groups to retell familiar stories. We learned that sometimes stories change as they are told, but that that's part of the beauty of oral storytelling! 

We also participated in a community circle to reflect on the friendships that we feel gratitude for as part of our Valentine's Day celebration. 

Thank you for growing with us and enjoy your long weekend!
-Ms. Meier and Ms. McBride

Have an AMAZING Summer!

BREAKING NEWS: SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER! Well grade two, our time has come to wish you well as you head off into grade THREE! You have...